The Journey
Hi lovelies, I have always been partial to a sparkly thing or two some would say a hoarder I would argue a collector of beautiful things. When shopping with friends if we were ever asked by the other why we were buying a new treasure, our answer would simply be, 'just to have, innit'.
So let me formerly introduce myself, I'm Serena the crazy dyslexic brain behind Just 2 have. I am a jewellery designer/maker by trade but I have always been partial to cards and stationery and not forgetting the crafty thing or two.
The Just 2 Have journey officially started in 2014, where I was chosen to be a trader in shared space programme called Sidcup & Co. The programme lasted 3 years and also gave me the tools to open my own pop up shop. Both these opportunities wrapped up in 2018.
So what have you been doing since then?' I hear you ask! Well running a business can be challenging and doing it at the same time as raising a small person, I found I was loosing confidence in myself which resulted in my mental health suffering. It was fundamentally important to take a step back, which was okay.
Well 2020 was a very strange year, the first lockdown gave me the opportunity to pause, take a breath and revisit old ideas. 2020 was a shocking reminder that every moment on this planet is precious. So as I sit here typing the Just 2 Have journey in lockdown 3.0, I leave you with this:
No dream is to big, take that initial fear and swallow it you never know what may happen!